Sometimes the ‘un-adoptable’ cats end up being the best pets.
TikTok account holder @SelinaCalvin recently uploaded a video of her un-adoptable shelter cat. This cat was not only sick but locked in its cage for three months because of how unfriendly it was. She had both eye and ear infections, severe tooth problems and parasitic worms. In the video shown here Selina says it took her five months before she even purred.
So Selina did what any cat lover would do, and adopted her. Watch the following video to see how this un-adoptable cat is doing now.
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She’s so beautiful and she seems so well-adjusted. It just shows that sometimes it takes a cat a while to adjust to a new home but when they do they make amazing pets. @Sharon posts, “Ma’am, you adopted a living work of art! She is absolutely gorgeous and she glows because of your love.” @user8967171201357 adds, “Those make the best stories.” @Lex adds, “I was told by the shelter that my cat was “aggressive.” She has not bit or scratched me once in 6 years. Thank you for giving this angel a chance.”
Aww, the moral of this story is that you never really know if the “unfriendly” cat you’re adopting will turn out to be aggressive or they just need time and patience to bond with you. We think it’s worth finding out.
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