New stylish dog collar helps track dogs’ location

Dogily AirTag Leather Dog Collar includes spot for an AirTag so pet parents can keep tabs on their furry friend’s whereabouts

Dogily, a pet fashion brand that creates stylish wear for pet owners and their dogs, has unveiled a functional collar, the Dogily AirTag Leather Dog Collar. The new collar is designed for comfort, style, and ensures pet parents are updated on where their dog is located by enabling an AirTag to be added to the collar.

“What’s great about our new collar is that dogs are never lost while wearing it. Pet parents always know where their dog is with every step they take. This takes a lot of stress off of pet owners when their dog goes missing,” said Cindy Lee, director of marketing, in a company release.1

According to the American Humane,2 about 10 million pets go missing in the US each year, and every second that a dog is lost counts. Therefore, the Dogily collar’s enables dogs to be found quicker and returned to safety.

Along with including safety features, the Dogily AirTag Leather Dog Collar is made with 100% high-quality soft leather that is comfortable and non-irritable for dogs. Plus, it is made with a solid gold latch to last longer. It is available in 2 colors: brown and black.


  1. Dogily tracking collar: staying on top of the trends and your dog. News release. Dogily. September 15, 2022. Accessed September 15, 2022.
  2. “Every day is tag day” — is your pet protected?American Humane. April 1, 2019. Accessed September 15, 2022.,in%20the%20nation%27s%20animal%20shelters

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