If you are considering adopting a pet this holiday season, now is the time. St. Louis-area animal shelters are seeing a sharp increase in pet surrenders and stray animals at their facilities. Most are at full capacity. “The problem is nationwide,” said Weng Horak, CEO and founder of Care STL […]
Animal nutrition
U.S. Soybean Meal Quality Advantage Soybean meal is one of the most utilized feed ingredients in swine and poultry nutrition, where the main countries involved in global trade of soybeans and soybean meal include Argentina, Brazil and the U.S. The comprehensive value of soybeans and soybean meal are determined by […]
Pet nutritional supplements will keep your dog’s joints in good health.. One of the most frequent ailments that dogs have is joint pain. According to a survey of 200 veterinarians, joint pains affected 20% of all dogs older than a year. Fortunately, a lot of great supplements can support dogs […]
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) – Because of overcrowding, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Care & Control is halting owner surrenders. The shelter has been putting out desperate calls for adopters and fosters as kennels have continued to fill up more and more over the last year. “On a day that we are happy to […]
The other day, Julia Wood was at an adoption event when she noticed a black and white cat in one of the kennels, seeming to call out for affection. Wood decided to move in for a closer look. It was then that she learned the heartbreaking story behind how the […]
A dog with a Santa-inspired name arrived at the Best Friends Animal Society in Los Angeles last June — and his whereabouts before he was welcomed at the shelter are unknown. Elf arrived covered in ticks and was timid around most people, leading the staff to assume he’d been through […]
TFP Nutrition is recalling HEB Texas Pets Indoor Complete Dry Cat Food because of potential Salmonella contamination. The product was manufactured on Nov. 13, 2022, at TFP Nutrition’s Nacogdoches, Texas facility. Salmonella can affect animals eating the products and there is a risk to humans from handling contaminated pet food […]
One of the greatest challenges for any pet retailer is staying ahead of the competition. To give your business that competitive edge, it’s critical to know what products, practices and brand messages are resonating among the pet community. How can we learn what trends are on the horizon for 2023? […]
Like a kaleidoscope, mineral availability constantly changes in the environment. The complicated and interactive nature of minerals is one reason cattle producers work with Extension through the “Mineral Nutrition for the Beef Cow Herd” program. About 100 cattle operations have participated in this yearlong program since it first began as […]
Pet parents who give their pets supplements are a special segment of consumers. They are more likely than the average pet parent to seek information from multiple sources. This group values gaining an understanding of what is in a functional product and what it does for their pet. When seeking […]