Quid and I have struck a deal. Every morning she flies up the stairs, leaps onto our bed, and attacks my nose with her sharp little teeth. And I am awakened. Oh wait, no; we don’t have a deal. She just does that. It is vexing and charming at once. […]

As someone with dog allergies who nevertheless has been around many dogs as a trainer, a fosterer, and an owner, Candice has learned not to trust the promise of a “hypoallergenic” dog. She’s met low-shedding, hypoallergenic poodles and Portuguese water dogs that supposedly shouldn’t trigger her allergies yet very much […]

Image: Shutterstock (Shutterstock) Alexandra Horowitz has been studying the inner lives of humanity’s best friend for about two decades, including in her current role as head of the Dog Cognition Lab at Barnard College in New York. Since 2009, Horowitz has also been a book author, translating the latest findings […]

A new study has revealed the most popular dog breed in every U.S. state, with one particular type of pet pooch leading the way by some considerable distance. Everyone has their reasons for preferring a certain type of dog: some seek a canine that’s child friendly, others prioritize a pet […]